Saturday, September 1

Got up really early yesterday to bake muffin-esque cakes for the teachers in Swiss. Lesson learnt, buy good batter, that way the lack of baking skills won't be obvious.
P.S: Waikit, your house has lotsa ants. Wonder if any of them got into the batter.

At Swiss, most of the teacher's had gone to lunch since we were rather late, so we waited for them to arrive. Boy, MsAnnieTan sure can talk a lot. But she was really nice, offering to drive to MrsKoh's house to pass her the stuff we'd baked because MrsKoh was going to Penang.
MdmTang wasn't so pms-sy yesterday, I wonder why.
I didn't get to see MrsChan.): Why's she always having babies??
-Just because I didn't say anything doesn't mean I'm not annoyed at you. I told you repeatedly not to touch it, because it's not like you'd pay if it's spoilt, but you still kept on grabbing at it. Now it's spoilt, you think a simple 'sorry' suffices. It's not all about the money though. I kept warning you, but you wouldn't listen.-

Being the bimbotic Heroes fangirl, i rushed off to Vivo with Waikit. We were late for half an hour but they hadn't even turned up. ERM. Joined Vanessa to squeeze with a gazillion other fanboys packed along the red carpet. Well actually, they were on the carpet instead of along. After listening to the emcees rile the crowd into shrieking, sceaming 'Yatta' for the upteenth time, and many false alarms, they finally arrived. The scene was quite chaotic, with people surging towards them with cellphones, cameras, camcorders and the like. Trying to squeeze past the rest, I realised how short I really was. Since I couldn't see what was going on, I had to look at other people's cameras to see if they really were approaching.
Then Masi Oka walked past. I swooned.
Greg Grundberg is tall, really tall. I had to supress the urge to yell "Officer Parkman, Officer Parkman!" when he walked past.

We didn't get to see anything at all when they went up the podium because everyone was so tall. I didn't even know where the podium was, so I got them to go up so I could be the obsessed fangirl i was, and snap pictures. Was a long time before I managed to find a spot behind some kid, but I still couldn't see them at I did the next best thing -stick my arms out and snap with wild abandon, hoping I'd get a few decent shots in.

I snapped...

past heads,

between arms,

under elbows,

and the ceiling by accident.

Because I wasn't carrying one of those humongous camera's like some kiasu fans, my shots were a bit pixelated. Attempts on the photo-editor didn't help much.

Click on the thumbnails for the enlarged version.
Free Image Hosting at

Free Image Hosting at

Free Image Hosting at

Free Image Hosting at

Free Image Hosting at

Free Image Hosting at

Thank you to Vanessa and Waikit for making my day!(:

Went to Comex after that, I didn't know Vanessa was an IT noob!:D
"Why can't this be switched on??" *presses button furiously.
"It's a dummy."
Heehee okay, please don't smack me.
I want the Creative Zen! It was bundled with aurvana earphones yesterday, wonder if it still is today. Or I'm gonna wait for the Apple's new ipod release (purportedly) sometime next week and hope the price of the Zen falls.

Free Image Hosting at

Tell me how this isn't hot.

Wednesday, August 15

The one about the fun GP lesson.

It's not everyday that GP is fun, and it's definitely not everyday that you get to play an online game during the lesson.
It's a simulation about managing the McDonald's Corporation where cows are burnt to ciders by a gargantuan torch if they've disease, employees spit in the people's food, and you get to corrupt important people to avoid lawsuits -what fun!
Five minutes into the game, the room was filled with a chorus of
"Zomg, where aren't there any cows??"
"Hahaha, my employee just spit into the customer's food and smiled!"
"HUH, my cow just turned green"
"Let's go corrupt another official!"
"My cow just turned into a skeleton, wth???!"

Now tell me how GP can't be fun.

Sunday, August 12

The one about OneACS Day.

So last Wednesday was national day celebrations. You cannot imagine just how boring it was. If not for Mr Ngoei's amusing commentary, the whole thing would've been a total mess.
People were strolling in late, even while the marching band..marched. After the guest of honour came and we sang the anthem, and then watched the uniform groups march in. Since it was a OneACS thing, there were guys from secondary and primary ACS schools. When the primary school scouts marched in, people kept 'Ooohing' and 'Aaaaahing', because the 'lil guys looked so cute attempting to march(I say this, because their march resembled more of a casual stroll. But it was a CUTE casual stroll.)
Anyhoo after a looong time (and having a little boy collapse from the heat) they finally started and we sat there watching other people play games. Excuuuuuse me. I don't really see how we're celebrating by sitting impassively, watching a bunch of boys roll about on the field.
An hour into the event, people started heading (in droves) to the canteen near the pool. Peishan and I got bored, so we walked about trying to find a way out, but all the gates were being guarded. I suggested to Peishan that we use our feminine wiles and trick the primary school kids at the gates into letting us out, but she rejected the idea. I wonder why.
After some more pointless searching (getting desperate), I suggested going to the back of the toilets to see if there was a hole in the gate. We hurried there, sure that such a thing only happened in movies, but alas, there a hole was! After lots of deliberation, it was agreed that we would slip out if 1) I was able to squeeze out 2) I was desperate enough to.
I tested the limits that the fence would stretch because there were many rusty bits that I did not want stabbing into my face while I tried squishing myself out. After a looong period of deliberation and being interrupted by a fellow ACsian (outside the gate, and was amused by us!), I was finally about to try squeezing out unglamly, when some ACS International guys came over. Being small and skinny, they slipped through easily. After the second one slipped through, a pair of IB student councillors came over and spotted the whole, exclaiming. I swear it was so cartoon-ish.
In case you were wondering, we got locked in till the end of the event because the hole was spotted. Darn.

Saturday, August 11

The one about the Meizu M8 miniONE phone.

Okay, I'm only putting this up so I can remind myself not to rush out to get a new cellphone.
Presenting, the Meizu M8 miniONE:

Sure it looks like a knockoff of the iPhone, but it has much better features, and a more reasonable price tag. If only it'd come out now.

Friday, August 10

The one about Heroes

Okay so it's finally out who the cast of Heroes are coming to Singapore, and it's gonna be held on Friday 31st August at Vivocity. Thank goodness for the school holiday given by acjc (to make up for the open house on the following saturday methinks), but I am majorly pissed because Zachary Quinto (Sylar) and Hayden Panettiere (Claire) aren't coming. It's a good thing they're sending Masi Oka here or it's be pointless to go.

It's stuff like this that makes Masi so lovable.

Tuesday, August 7

The one about TEH COOL GAMEZ.

Okay, I really have no idea why I decided to type like a nitwit.

Anyhoo, I want the game Overlord, because I derive a great satisfaction from sending my minions to terrorise villagers and fluffy sheep. Played the demo, and the whole idea of doing evil instead of the usual heroic shtick is actually quite refreshing. Moreover, worshipping minions always tickle the narcissist in me.
Though I'd have to get a better pc because the lag on my current one is just excruciating. Darn.

Scrounging for pumpkin helmets is teh shitz, no?

-I'm obviously not a very wealthy Overlord, my minions have to make their own helmets out of pumpkins.

On top of that, I want a new handphone. Damn the iPhone, now I want a touchscreen one .. Just not the (overated)iPhone mind you.
And ooh, oooh! An mp3 player! Unfortunately, Creative's newest offering is a revamped 16gb Zen V Plus Staring at the tiny screen for an entire episode of Heroes, Oh the wonders it does for the eyes!. Apple's Nano Red is kinda hot, but it only supports the mp3 format and can't play video's. On a brighter note, there's supposed to be a revamped Nano out this week, but the price is astronomical.

Note to self: Surround product with lots of hype and proceed to sell it at prices (that products with better and more features) are sold at. Don't worry, the nincompoopsconsumers will still lap it all up shrieking i have the i<_____>!! then buy (equally ridiculous) accessories like this

Now how am I gonna scroll? Hm....

Now how in the world am i supposed to scroll with that on??

Friday, July 6

The one about the Polyclinic doctor.

And finally back, and to rant about my visit to the polyclinic.
Went there the other day because I had pain in my gastric/chest and a creaky joint(yes, there is the occasional 'crack' when I move my leg).
Apparently, the gastric-itis was because I overeat at night. Sure, half a bowl of rice is considered overeating, I must be bingeing during lunch.
I then asked her about my creaky joint and how to stop the noise, and she gave the most awe-inspiring reply I have ever heard-
"It's natural, the lubrication in your joint has worn out due to frequent use. Not to worry, you aren't experiencing any pain yet. If you do, that means your joint is destroyed."

I wonder if it ever occurred to her during that 10minute consultation that the reason I went to the polyclinic, was to prevent such a thing from occurring?

Her bloody antacids aren't working btw.

Thursday, April 19

My usual start-of-school rant.

Okaye, so school's barely started and i'm drowning under the deluge of assignments i'm given. It doesn't help that i take history and am given thick compilations of word-filled notes. FYI i'm an arts student now, though i still take math and physics. Yes, i am a masochistic individual who likes to inflict despair unto myself by taking h1physics, h2math and h2history. Econs is bearable -for now. The major problem i'm facing is TIME. The lack of it. Having lessons till four almost everyday, then going for orchestra practice on mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays and saturdays does wonders to my schedule. I've been submitting substandard homework (even for someone as lazy and complacent as myself) and not reading my notes before lectures. The horror.

Time to teacher-bitch.
Econs lecturer: There're 2. Both are lame. In fact, i feel a part of my brain degenerate every time they crack what they define as a joke. The woman likes to act cute too. At the age of 45? My eyes.

History(SEA) tutor: I so cannot stand her. She calls people who scream a 'failure in life' and discriminates against appeal students(i.e. me) calling us 'people who came in through the backdoor', and that we have to 'act like the deserving ones who came in through the front door with integrity and discipline instead of showing our true selves' (she stopped short of calling us hooligans). The bloody sod. I swear her bum is so big, it's like an entity of it's own.

Math tutor: Sheeee speaaaaks liiiiike thiiiiiis. Has short, curly, grey hair, and owlish spectacles. She has a penchant for wearing a-line skirts way past her belly button and blouses with amazingly low collars...when her assets aren't much to shout about. Must be really breezy up there.

Physics tutor: He just cannot pronounce.
Rachel = Ray-shel
MingLe = Mingle (yes the english word)
ShanMao = ShaOMao (where the heck did the vowel come from?!)
He got my name correct though when so many others didn't. AMAZING.

Okaye, enough of ranting. Now for amusing incidents.

Amusing incident 1:
Was having sectionals the other day and a senior couldn't make it cos he had tuition. Halfway through the sectional, the section leader looked out the window and saw said senior. She was of course, not pleased. Another senior then interrupted saying,
"Oh, he's flirting. Let's not interrupt."
"Haven't you heard? GohChokTong said 'Go forth and multiply.'

Amusing incident 2:
*An extremely vocal classmate stands up abruptly during econs tutorial and walks to the door saying:
"Wah, I can't tahan anymore.'
*Puzzled teacher asks:
"What's wrong with you?"
"Stomachache. Like you said, i'm full of shit."

Amusing incident 3 (i wasn't present though):
*Asked to give his view about JC's, classmate said:
"JC is crap."
*Asked by straight-faced teacher to elaborate why
"Poly students learn practical and useful stuff. JC students have a higher chance of going to university cos we learn useless things."

There are a few more, but i'm sleepy.

Thursday, March 15

I hate the rain.

And it happened to rain yesterday as clarrissa and i were rushing as we were almost late heading to ac from buona vista mrt station, and i realised that i'd forgotten to bring a plastic bag to keep my wet umbrella in. Not wanting to get my bag and erhu wet, i remarked at how tempting it was to just flag a cab. Just as we walked past the taxi stand, a cab drove down the lane. We flagged for it and got into it. (On an absolutely irrelevant note, erhu's are oh-so cab-unfriendly.) The cab fare cost us $2.80, of which $0.80 was the actual amount incurred travelling on the road.

When i got home after practice, my dad was packing for his trip to China. I went on with my life, having dinner and doing homework. After awhile, i noticed him looking out the window repeatedly, muttering to himself. NOT wondering if he was peeping at the neighbours, i asked him what he was doing. With a pensive look on his face he said "There aren't many cabs out right now, maybe i should go down earlier to wait by the side of the road instead of hailing one and incurring an extra $2.50."

You wouldn't believe how ashamed i was of myself then.

This is a man who slaves away in the office, tolerating shit from customers, and annoying me by asking me how to do up a powerpoint presentation (simple to me, but obviously not to him since he didn't grow up with computers), and he's still has to think twice about calling a cab. Yet extravagant little me comes along and spends $2.80 with only a fleeting moment of guilt.
Okaye, i'm at a lost at how i should conclude. I shall be off then.

Tuesday, March 13


Okaye, so i went to appeal to acjc last tuesday.

The next day in pj, i found that i couldn't change a subject from the fixed subject combination (Computing, Math, Physics) so i decided to appeal over to the arts stream. Couldn't find the teacher-in-charge and i hadn't gotten my call from acjc by then, so i figured that i'd better get used to pj and not understanding people speaking in their rapid mandarin, about their chinese pop stars, and their extremely cheena chinese orchestra that would soon be flooded with cck members.

Only managed to find the teacher-in-charge on thursday, and he agreed (after humming and hawing) to my appeal. That was not before he commented cynically 'We're not a charity you know.' What a nice man.

Went for the China Studies in English profile test, and was subjected to mcq's about china like:
-What is the population of China?
-What is the size of China?
-What is China's official religion? (It's Atheism btw, not Buddhism. Yay i got it right)
-What is China's largest/longest river? (I thought it was Huanghe. It wasn't. Darn.)
-When did Hongkong (return? rejoin?) China? (1997/1998/1999. How am i sposed to know, i was in primary school then.)
-Who is the president of China?
You'd be surprised at the number of people who don't know HuJintao. Isn't he such a charismatic personality? Well anw someone who took the test didn't know who he was. The horror. I had to suppress the urge to tell her not to bother taking the subject.

After that, they played wet&dirty games. I decided experiencing it during the first orientation was quite enough and excluded myself from it. We were taught the same Fun and Mass dance again, but at an accelerated pace. Those who weren't in pj during the 1st 3months didn't quite catch the dance steps, and bumbled about. I still didn't like the mass dance, and my new dance partner seemed hell-bent on exhibiting his height by lifting his arms up high when we were supposed to so a cha-cha-cha, causing me to stretch up awkwardly.

After the horrid dance, we went down for war games. I sat impassively by the side and watched people run about shouting, shrieking and squealing. Bored, i took and my cellphone and saw a missed call. I didn't recognise the number and called back, smiling cynically at my fellow og member saying very dryly, "what if i'ts from acjc, haha" I almost tumbled off my seat and rolled down the bleachers when i heard "You have reached ACJC, press 1 for-"

I pressed 0 for assistance, and asked stupidly "Erm, i think someone called just know but i don't know who." I was redirected to another number, and repeated the question (stupidly again). After hearing the shuffling of papers coming from the other end of the line, he announced that my appeal was accepted. After thanking him, i sat numbly and was surprised by the strong feeling of ambivalence that swamped over me. After all, i really did want to take China Studies and ac wasn't offering it (in english anyway), and pj's just a ten minute drive from my home. But the thought of having to converse continually in mandarin irked me. Not to mention their orchestra room that -with the green floor and short yellow curtains- so did not provide the ambiance for playing music.

Ultimately, i decided i liked the ac uniform better and pj's pe was really too much for me to bear.